There’s a lot of communication and evaluation that takes place long before you open your mouth, so you want to make sure you’re sending the right message.
If you feel that you have an issue with your face interfering with how you’d like to present yourself, Dr. Nicholas Nikolov and the team here at The Nikolov Center for Plastic Surgery can help. We offer a wide range of facial surgery options, which we explore in brief here.
A Matter Of Proportion Or Shape
Each of the features on your face influences your overall appearance in significant ways. For example, let’s take the feature that’s right at the center of your face — your nose. If you have a nose that’s too large, crooked, or falls short of your ideal in some way, it can draw attention away from your other fine features.
The best solution in this scenario is to have us perform a rhinoplasty so that we can reshape your nose to better effect. To give you an idea about how we can change your nose, during a rhinoplasty, we can:
- Reduce its overall size
- Reshape the bridge of your nose
- Reduce the size of your nostrils
- Create more symmetry
- Remove bumps
- Reshape the tip of your nose
- Another great example is a chin that fades into your neck. If you’d like a fully defined and prominent chin, we can turn to a chin augmentation procedure where we place an implant.
Conversely, we can also remove bone in your chin if your chin is too prominent or projects too far.
Finally, if you’re genetically predisposed to eyelids that are too baggy, or you’re displeased with how your eyelids frame your eyes, we can correct the issue with a blepharoplasty. This simple surgery can dramatically affect your appearance as we put your eyes on full display.
Reversing The Effects Of Aging
If you’re pleased with the overall shape of your features, but age is beginning to hide them beneath sagging skin, we offer solutions that can restore your more youthful appearance.
The most effective tool in our anti-aging arsenal is our facelift. No two facelifts are alike as we tailor our procedures to your unique needs. In general terms, we can accomplish any of the following with a facelift:
- Eliminate the jowls around your chin
- Tighten the skin in your cheeks
- Reduce neck sagging
- Lift your brows
- We can also combine your facelift with eyelid surgery for maximum effect.
Again, each of our face surgeries are customized to meet your goals, so the first step is to see us for an evaluation so we can design the perfect approach to your anti-aging needs.
To learn more about how we can change the appearance of your face through surgery, contact our office in Beverly Hills, California, to set up a consultation.