No matter how well we take care of our skin when we’re young, at some point, age-related changes are going to catch up with us. Before we know it, those fine lines, wrinkles, and lax, sagging skin become a lot more common and a lot more pronounced. Facelift surgery is one way to combat those […]
Breast implants are the best way to get the breasts you desire in a safe procedure. Implant surgery usually goes smoothly, followed by a few weeks of healing. Scar tissue, also known as a capsule, forms around the implant during the healing process. However, sometimes the scar tissue around the implant will be overly thick […]
Cellulite affects up to 90% of women of all ages and sizes. If your once smooth skin has developed a most unwelcome lumpy appearance, the good news is that there is a solution, and we have it here. Dr. Nicholas Nikolov is a top board-certified plastic surgeon. He also understands the emerging role technology plays […]
When it comes to breast size, bigger isn’t always better. Breasts that are disproportionately large can cause a raft of physical and emotional problems. If you find that your breasts are too big, Dr. Nicholas Nikolov at The Nikolov Center for Plastic Surgery, who is a specialist in breast reduction surgery, can give you a […]
There are many different types of surgical techniques when it comes to breast reconstruction. Depending on your body type or your aesthetic goals, breast reconstruction can be tailored to fit your needs. Typically, breast reconstruction involves using donor flaps of tissue from other parts of the body to reconstruct a breast. Consult with a board-certified […]
Winter is a popular time for rhinoplasty surgery, especially after the holiday season is over. With months to go until summer, there’s plenty of time to have the surgery and to recover before the warm weather arrives. And what a great way to start spring! Of course, surgery is just the first part of the […]
Everyone wants to feel attractive and confident. If you have ears that are too large or stick out, they might negatively impact your appearance and make you feel shy and awkward. Otoplasty is a safe procedure that is used to correct ear size and positioning problems in both children and adults. At The Nikolov Center […]
Radio Frequency Liposuction Reviews: Liposuction Or Lipolysis – Which Is Best For You? Having a toned, slim body is a goal for a lot of people, but it’s not an easy one to achieve. Eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise can help, especially when it comes to losing a lot of weight. But […]
Deep forehead lines, heavy brows, drooping upper eyelids — these are some of the more common cosmetic concerns that we can remedy with a simple brow lift. If you’re tired of looking older, more tired, sadder, and even angrier than you feel, a brow lift is a perfect technique for brightening and re-energizing your appearance. […]
Hair loss may be one of the first signs that you’re not as young as you used to be. You might agree that aging isn’t all bad. You’re probably smarter, wiser, and a whole lot more confident now than you were as a teen or young adult. Wouldn’t it be nice, though, if you could […]
While some women may envy your feminine figure, large breasts can cause uncomfortable symptoms and make it difficult to find clothing that’s flattering and fashionable. You’ve heard about breast reduction surgery (also known as mammaplasty and reduction mammaplasty), and wonder if you’d be happier with more subtle curves. Just over 43,000 women per year undergo […]
What are the Benefits of Breast Reduction: A Deeper Look Behind the Complications of Heavy Breasts For many women, large breasts can be a source of physical and emotional discomfort. In some cases, breast reduction surgery may be the best solution for improving quality of life. If you’re considering this procedure, here are some of […]
No one likes wrinkles, but everyone who lives long enough will eventually develop them. Your skin naturally loses elasticity over time, takes a beating from the elements, and inadequate moisturizing can worsen the problem. Wrinkles affect your appearance, and can also negatively impact your confidence. At The Nikolov Center for Plastic Surgery, we are experts […]
Nearly 210,000 people in the United States turn to a rhinoplasty each year, making it the third most common cosmetic surgical procedure. While a nose job is often thought of as cosmetic, there are many reasons why people reshape their noses, including problems with function. Here at The Nikolov Center for Plastic Surgery, top-rated surgeon […]
The SmartSkin laser is the Gold Standard of fractional resurfacing – it reduces wrinkles, improves skin irregularities, reduces pore size, and rejuvenates hands and neckline. SmartSkin is a single laser that works on both tone and texture. Old fashioned CO2 lasers often left patients with a less than desirable hypo-pigmented or hyper-pigmented appearance. They required […]
Kids can be unkind to one another, especially if a child has a glaring physical issue, such as misshapen or overly prominent ears. While the condition poses no physical threat, it can erode a child’s confidence, and you want to do everything in your power to give them a happy start to life. Our goal […]
Teenagers often feel insecure about their physical appearance. As they navigate through adolescence and the social challenges of high school, they may be tempted to focus their insecurities on specific features. Plastic surgery can run the risk of being perceived as an “instant” image enhancer; the solution to a fragile self-esteem, or a powerful popularity […]
Do you find yourself lamenting the loss of your once perky, well-positioned breasts as you grow older? Perhaps you’re considering remedying the problem through a breast lift, but you’re worried you may be too old. At The Nikolov Center for Plastic Surgery, Dr. Nicholas Nikolov has extensive experience helping adult women of all ages achieve […]
The appearance of a crooked or off-center nose can be a source of great discomfort and insecurity for many people. For those who are concerned by this, you may be dealing with a deviated septum. Corrective rhinoplasty is an ideal surgical procedure that can correct as well as enhance a deviated septum. With the expertise […]
Anti-Aging With Fractora, What Is All The Fuss About? | Fractora Pros and Cons What Is Fractora? Fractora is a radio-frequency device that delivers the energy through microneedles. It is bipolar, which means that the energy is transmitted from the needles to a sidebar on the tip. This allows for not only heating around the […]